Time of serenity and calming silence is often a boon to the busy and often loud modern world.
While lotus flower is perceived as the symbol of the Buddhist path in the Eastern World, I was captivated more by the lotus flower’s external beauty and inherent symbolic meaning of “cleansing.”
I tried to capture the refulgent and enchanting colors of the lotus flower by using lacquered varnishes, which gave pacific and depth to the representation. The varnishes were also meant to liven the beauty of composition.
The seemingly perpetual process of gluing each piece of eggshell was by itself a time of serenity and calming silence, allowing me to step out of the clutter of modern lifestyle at least for a moment.
때로 고요한 시간이 필요 하다.
동양에선 연꽃이 불교의 상징처럼 많이 알려져 있지만
나는 꽃의 비주얼적인 아름다움과 꽃말이 갖는
정화라는 꽃말의 의미가 좋아 연꽃을 그렸다.
화려하고 탐스러움은 옻칠 작업을 통해
오히려 차분하고 깊이 있게 표현하고 구성의 미를 살리려 하였다.
계란 껍질조각을 일일히 붙이고 오랜 공정을 필요로 하는 작업과정 역시 고요한 시간이었다.
Purification (70cm X 130cm)lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, eggshell, crystal 2017
Purification (70cm X 130cm) lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, eggshell, crystal 2017
Purification (60X30cmX5ea) lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, eggshell, crystal 2017
Purification (30x40) lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, eggshell, crystal 2020
Purification (30x40) lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, eggshell, crystal 2020
Purification (30x40) lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, eggshell, crystal 2020
Purification (30x40) lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, eggshell, crystal 2020
Purification (30x40) lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, eggshell, crystal 2020
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