A little song of life
A little song of life (60.5x60.5cm)Korean paper on woodboard, Japanese dye, Korean ink, pure gold leaf 2007-2008
A little song of life (60.5x60.5cm)Korean paper on woodboard, Japanese dye, Korean ink, pure silver leaf 2007-2008
As time goes by (162x130cm) Korean antique paper on woodboard, Japanese dye, Korean ink 2007-2008
A little song of life (53x45.5cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl 2008
A little song of life (53x45cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl 2008
A little song of life (91x116.5cm)Fresco painting on canvas, oil, mixed media 2008
A little song of life (91x116.5cm) Fresco painting on canvas, oil, mixed media 2008
A little song of life (91x116.5cm) Fresco painting on canvas, oil, mixed media 2008
A little song of life (91x116.5cm) Fresco painting on canvas, oil, mixed media 2008
A little song of life (50x100cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl 2008
A little song of life (50x100cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl 2008
A little song of life (50x100cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl 2008
A little song of life (53x45cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl 2008
As time goes by (53x43.5cm) Japanese dye, Korean ink 2007
A little song of life (53x45cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl 2008
A little song of life (79.5x50cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl 2008
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