Nietzsche described art as a life's stimulant. Art offers an escape from life's various pains and strengthens the will to continue on. Aesthetic pleasure has the force of reframing reality as something more positive. My works aim to entertain the viewers repeatedly. Whenever life becomes unbearable, I encapsulate limitless cornucopia and splendor in my canvass with peonies blossoming with color. This was my own escape and injection of vim to stand above my troubles and pains.
"Just taking one step at a time - that's not a life! Constantly moving step by step, that is an arduous and painful task indeed! Soaring on the back of the wind and flapping my wings towards all the birds, those are what I love the most."
- From Prinz Vogelfrei (1882) by Friedrich Nietszsche
니체(F. W. Nietzsche, 1844~1900) 에 따르면 예술은 생의 자극제다. 삶의 고통을 극복하는 수단이자 힘에 의지를 강화 한다. 미적유희는 현실을 긍정하게 하는 힘이된다. 내 작품도 유희에 유희를 거듭한다. 현실이 고통스러울수록 나는 캔버스에 화려한 모란 꽃으로 금박,은박으로 더 없이 풍요롭고 화려하게 장식하면서 그 시절 자꾸만 무너져가는 마음을 추수리고 벗어나는 힘을 스스로 얻었다.
그냥 한걸음씩 발을 떼는것 - 그것은 삶이 아니지! 끊임없이 발걸음을 옮기는 것은 고되고도 힘든일!
바람을 타고 솟아올라 모든 새들을 향해 날개를 젓는 것을 나는 사랑 한다네
- 니체 (포겔 프라이 왕자 Prinz Vogelfrei, 1882) 중에서
Delight (112.1X193.9cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (112.1X193.9cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (162.2X130.3cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (162.2X130.3cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (240cm X 240cm) peony, acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Delight (227.3 X 181.8cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Delight (130cm X 130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (130cm X 130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (130cm X 130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (130X130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf 2018
Delight (130X130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (260 x 260cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf,pure silver leaf 2018
Delight (260 x 260cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, pure silver leaf 2018
Delight (260 x 260cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, pure silver leaf 2018
Delight (260 x 260cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf,pure silver leaf 2018
Delight (260 x 260cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, pure silver leaf 2018
Delight (260 x 260cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, pure silver leaf 2018
Delight (72.7x53cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl,pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (53X72.7cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (53X72.7cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (53X72.7cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (72.7x53cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2018
Delight (162.2x130.3) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Delight (162.2x130.3) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Delight (130.3 x 162.2) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Delight (130.3 x 162.2) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Delight (130.3 x 162.2) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Delight (130.3 x 162.2) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Empathy (130X130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Delight (130.3X130.3cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Empathy (182X182cm)acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf 2019
Delight (130X130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf 2019
Empathy (130X130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold&silver leaf 2019
Empathy (130X130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Empathy (130X130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold&silver leaf 2011
Empathy (182X182cm)acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, pure silver leaf 2019
Empathy (130 x 130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, crystal 2019
Empathy (182X182cm)acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Empathy (182X182cm)acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Empathy (130X130cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf 2019
Empathy (182 x 182cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, crystal 2019
Empathy (182X182cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2019
Empathy (182 x 182cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, crystal 2019
Delight - a long line of trees (142x52) bronze, aluminium, pure gold leaf 2020
Delight - a long line of trees (142x52) bronze, aluminium, plastic, lacquer, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2020
Delight - a long line of trees (80cm X 195cm) bronze, aluminium, plastic, lacquer , pure gold leaf 2020
Delight - a long line of trees (50x50) aluminium, lacquer, mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2020
Delight - a long line of trees (160cm X 165cm) bronze, plastic 2020
Delight - a long line of trees (130cm x 170cm) bronze, plastic 2020
Delight - a long line of trees (200x105) bronze, lacquer ,mother of pearl, pure gold leaf, linen, earth 2020
Delight - a long line of trees (110x125) bronze, lacquer ,mother of pearl 2020
Delight - a long line of trees (100x130) bronze, aluminium, cloisonne, lacquer ,mother of pearl, pure gold leaf 2020
Resin (80 x 80cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf, resin, crystal 2019
Resin (80 x 80cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf, resin, crystal 2019
Resin (80 x 80cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf, resin, crystal 2019
Resin (80 x 80cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf, resin, crystal 2019
Resin (80 x 80cm) acrylic on canvas, mother of pearl, pure silver leaf, resin, crystal 2019
Delight (38cm X 40cm) lacquer painted on woodboard, mother of pearl, bronze 2018
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